jueves, 12 de julio de 2007

La Sabiduría de mi IDOLA

Cada día estoy más convencido que vivimos con un montón de reglas estúpidas auto-impuestas que no nos dejan vivir como queremos. Ahora busco deshacerme de esas amarras y vivir MI vida, a mi pinta.
Les dejo unas palabras de mi Idola, Berny Pizarro

I know there is no need to hurry or force things to happen, because everything happens for a reason and you realize with the type of people that you are dealing with.

Everything occurs in perfect timing. I don't back down and I stand up for what I believe is right.

I have patience with myself and the process and I don't give up, because hey !.. I am just getting started..

They are boundaries in life. So I have to love myself enough to say NO to others demands on my time and energy.

We all know what to do, so it's better to trust our inner wisdom, and take appropiate action without delay.

I will keep my unwavering thoughts, feelings and actions focused on my target, and no worries because I will make my mark !

"Being INDEPENDENT is a foundation of your strength and success ".

I take risks every day of my life, and I put my heart's true desire into action !!

That's why I live my life with this Divine Passion that so many people are not even able to feel it, mainly because they are afraid. Afraid of taking risks, scared of the future. We can all be scared of the future.. but why don't we just embrace it !!.

People limit their lifes to everything, it's like there is a wall in their heart that stops things from happening..

I think the best way to live is by BEING HONEST WITH YOURSELF !!...

if it helps out.. just ask yourself..


Peace and Cheers !

B ------------->

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